In Fix

As a real estate investor, you need to know the right way to rehab a property before you can sell it.

There are many aspects to stay on top of. Here are four key details:


Don’t: Leave popcorn ceilings in your house. Popcorn ceilings are dated and will show the age of a property.

Do: Remove popcorn ceilings and retexture the ceiling.

Interior wall paint

Don’t: Paint interiors very bright or unusual colors.

Do: Stick to neutral toned paints for interiors. Let the buyers decide if they want to change room colors to suit their personal tastes.

Curb appeal

Don’t: Block the front of a property with a large shade tree or shrubs.

Do: Trim a tree that hangs down and trim or remove bushes that obscures the view of a house. Let a buyer envision their own personality and lifestyle in the property.

Bathroom floors

Don’t: Leave carpet in bathrooms.

Do: Tear out carpet and make sure the floor looks good. It’s the room most used by anyone in a home, so it’s best to make it look good to any type of buyer.

Rehab success!

Follow these rules and you’ll be on your way to flipping a property successfully — and profitably.





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